The RSS which is commonly referred to as Rich Site Summary is a very effective solution in terms of keeping your blog or website users updated with your content. It helps in grabbing the visitors and audiences that eventually helps in increasing the web traffic of your website/blog. The RSS feed is basically a XHTML file that contains updated information about your blog and blog posts which you published within a time period. The RSS is not only helpful for website and blog owners but on the other hand, it also provides benefits to regular internet users to create a feed of the blogs they visit so that they can keep themselves updated with the recently published blog posts. Many of the sites already provide RSS feeds to their users so that they can get latest updates and notifications about their latest posts.

In this article, I will guide you through creating RSS Feed of any blog or website. There are various software and online sites which helps you in generating RSS Feeds for your blog or website. As discussed above, it doesn't only benefits the blog owners but also helps blog or website visitors to stay updated with the content. These steps can be followed by both of them to generate an RSS Feed.

POINT #1: Using RSS Builder Software to create RSS Feeds.

The RSS Builder software provides an easy and convenient way to create RSS Feeds of any website or blog. You can download it for free from its official site. 

The steps are as follows:

  • Install RSS Builder Software and open it from the desktop icon or applications.
  • Open the software. Click File menu option and select new feed.


  • Enter the required details of your blog/website such as title, website URL, Description etc. Refer to the image below for more detailed instruction.


  • Now upload an image that will represent your RSS Feed whenever RSS Feed Link will be shared on any platform. Upload the Image File in the Image properties section.

RSS Builder Steps

  • Now click on the icon highlighted and  enter the content according to the topics. It should be unique and describe the content in an unique manner. You should add unique content and details for each of the entry that you wish to publish through RSS Feed. In GUID, enter the unique URL if the content is located in same page or section otherwise you can use similar URL as of your blog or any page within it.

Topic Description RSS Builder

  • Now you are ready to save your RSS Feed. Save your RSS Feed by Clicking on File Menu and selecting Save Feed.

POINT #2: Using WebRSS- An Online Service For RSS Feed

The WebRSS is a very easy to use online RSS Feed creator service through which you can just create RSS Feeds in simple steps. You just need to sign up, then have to enter website details and URL. Then finally you are done.  It generates RSS Feeds for you in an easy way. 

Steps to create RSS Feeds through WebRSS:

  • Sign Up or Login to the WebRSS by navigating to
  • Now after login add your blog or URL in the Add New Feed and Click Create New Feed.


  • 3.  Now add the required details related to your website/blog. This will contain all the information about your website and will serve as a feed to the RSS Readers.

WebRSS RSS Reader

  • 4. After following all the previous steps. Now,  its all done. You just have to click save and grab the code to grab the RSS Feed of your blog or website.

Save and grab code

  • The code will be generated for you to use it as a javascript, PHP or iframe. These can be read by RSS Feed Readers as well. 

RSS Feed code

POINT #3: Extensions for Chrome for RSS Subscriptions

There are various extensions through which you can create RSS Feeds and subscribe to the feed from various web pages.

  1. Feedbro- It is very easy to use an extension that allows you to read Feeds from various websites and blogs.
  2. RSS Feed Subscription Extension- It allows you to save RSS feeds of blogs and websites that you can keep in touch with. 

These were the most commonly used RSS Feed creators which you can use to update your audiences or if you are a blog reader you can keep yourself updated with the blogs. I hope this article will help you, Please comment and show support by sharing this article.