Are you wondering to increase the WiFi speed of your android device then you have landed at the correct place. Using these simple tips you can increase(boost) the speed your wifi and remove irritating buffering icon while watching a video or can download new apps or game easily.

How to boost your wifi or internet speed-

The internet is very crucial for the human survival in this period of Internet Generation. These days the internet users are now used to High-Speed Internet access, thus everybody wants that their internet should work blazing fast In terms of talking about WiFi connections, a lot of users face difficulty in downloading files and streaming videos through wireless networks and routers. In some of the cases, they don’t get proper signal strength or sometimes speed lacks due to technical glitches and processes in android device. But relax, you don’t need to worry much about this issue as we will be helping you out and will tell you some kickass tricks that will eventually help you to regain best WiFi Speed and Internet download speed in your android device.

In terms of boosting WiFi and download speed, there are various ways to achieve it but some of the ways only work on rooted Android devices. The speed of your WiFi is proportionally based on the device performance as well. There are few methods as well through which you can achieve desired results.

#POINT 1: Let’s start with performing a speed test- to know current speed.

In order to know your current internet download and upload speed, it is very important that you must perform and speed test. The speed test can be done through a renowned and trusted Speed Testing portal called SpeedTest by ookla. You can download the app from google play store and there you go.


#POINT 2: Set the WiFi Frequency band to 5GHz.

The WiFi works through the bandwidth which also helps in bringing variation to the WiFi Speed. The 5GHz WiFi band will let your device access to the highest bandwidth which is also the fastest one. This will help in increasing the WiFi Speed through which you can stream videos and download files in more better speed.


#POINT 3: Downloading Softwares which will help in performing some background tasks to make sure that you get optimised internet and download speed.

There are various applications available in Google Play Store, which term themselves as “WiFiSpeed Boosters”. These applications is no-magic, they just perform some background cleaning work and automated tasks such as- improving ping and buffer size to give you an optimised internet download speed. These are not promising as it requires a rooted android device to achieve the best-desired result.

Some of the Applications are as follows:

  1. Internet Booster App: You can download this app from Google Play store for free. This app will do perform some background cleaning and automated tasks to provide you a better internet download speed. It will be an added advantage if you have a rooted android device as it can perform some task at system end.
  1. WiFi Booster and Analyzer: This is a very useful app that will give you lot of information about your WiFi network and will also help you to boost your WiFi speed. This app will tell you about the network strengths and guide you to get best results out of your WiFi connection. This app is also available for free on Google Play Store.


       3. WiFi Doctor- Detect and Boost: A very influential app in boosting the WiFi and intelligently helps in allocating optimised speed.

POINT 4: Increase the Signal Strength of Router by Placing it Rightly

Internet speed is sometimes low as your device cant take full latency of signal from your WiFi Router. So it is always advisable to keep the router at the right place through which your device can catch the best signal strength.

These above tricks are methods are very easy to be followed and will eventually guide to optimise the internet and download speed on your Android device. I hope you understood these methods so that you can also increase the internet and download speed of your wifi or mobile data. 

These tricks are very useful and could give you a good percentage of increase in your internet download speed through which you can download favourite movies, games and can also stream movies on the go. I hope you will like this article, Please share this article and let us know your valuable feedback.