How to disable automatic reboot in Windows 10?

Hello, Windows 10, automatically  'schedule' a reboot for later. I don't want to use it and disable it permanently, how can I do it.

As sometimes, I need to do quick laptop re-start or shut down, it takes time.


Asked by:- vikas_jk
: 4350 At:- 8/29/2021 5:33:23 PM
Windows disable automatic reboot

2 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- manish_jk

You can download a software called Reboot blocker


Easy solution for this annoying problem is with Task Scheduler.

Click Start and type Task Scheduler

Navigate to Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> UpdateOchestrator

To disable automatic reboots right-click on Reboot and select disable.

Then be sure change the permissions. Should be set to Read & Execute.

I also disabled automatic updates by disabling all the tasks in this folder.

At:- 8/29/2021 5:38:15 PM Updated at:- 8/29/2021 5:39:00 PM

profileImage Answered by:- vikas_jk

Disable reboot using below CMD command as an administrator

cd C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator && rename Reboot Reboot.backup & rename Reboot_Battery Reboot_Battery.backup & rename Reboot_AC Reboot_AC.backup & rename USO_UxBroker USO_UxBroker.backup & mkdir Reboot & mkdir Reboot_Battery & mkdir Reboot_AC & mkdir USO_UxBroker & copy NUL Reboot\empty_file & copy NUL Reboot_Battery\empty_file & copy NUL Reboot_AC\empty_file & copy NUL USO_UxBroker\empty_file

If you get access denied error, try this

cd C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows && takeown /F UpdateOrchestrator /A /R /D y && icacls UpdateOrchestrator /reset /T /C && icacls UpdateOrchestrator /T /C /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F && cd UpdateOrchestrator && rename Reboot Reboot.backup & rename Reboot_Battery Reboot_Battery.backup & rename Reboot_AC Reboot_AC.backup & rename USO_UxBroker USO_UxBroker.backup & mkdir Reboot & mkdir Reboot_Battery & mkdir Reboot_AC & mkdir USO_UxBroker & copy NUL Reboot\empty_file & copy NUL Reboot_Battery\empty_file & copy NUL Reboot_AC\empty_file & copy NUL USO_UxBroker\empty_file


If a reboot is scheduled, the following command, run with administrative privileges, will disable the task:

schtasks /change /tn \Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Reboot /DISABLE

Knowing this, you can create your own Scheduled Task to periodically run the above command and disable Windows' insidious little scheme.

At:- 6/24/2022 7:32:22 AM Updated at:- 6/24/2022 7:34:29 AM

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