How to enable Remote desktop in Windows 10/11 home?

Hello, I have bought a new lenevo tower PC, but it has pre-installed Windows 10 home version which doesn't comes with Remote desktop connection, so how can I enable it? Any way to do this, thanks.

Asked by:- vikas_jk
: 1697 At:- 12/5/2021 7:35:24 AM
Windows remote desktop windows 10 home

1 Answers
profileImage Answered by:- manish_jk

Yes, you can use Remote desktop connection (RDP) in windows 10 or 11 home edition, but you will have to install some external files before that, here are the steps for it

  • Download the latest version of RDP Wrapper library from Github.
  • Run the installation file. It will allow everything that is needed for the remote desktop.
  • Type Remote Desktop in the search, and you should be able to see the RDP software.
  • Type in the remote computer name and password to connect with the computer.

Once you have installed above software and check Settings -> System -> Remote Desktop.

It will still not show your Remote desktop as an available option, but you can search for Remote desktop on the Windows search bar and connect to it as explained above.

Also, before connecting, make sure, Remote desktop is available on the PC, you are trying to connect.

If the above solution doesn't work for you, you can use External software like below

Thanks, hope it helps.

At:- 12/5/2021 7:45:40 AM

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